Since I'm going to have the whole summer to get back into the swing of writing regularly, and since I have a lot of reading I want to get done, I've decided I should probably set up a schedule for this blog. Maybe if I have to report to you all frequently, that will help me stay on track with my writing goals, even when I get back to college in the fall!
So, here's how it's gonna go:
Mondays: Monday Musings - I will post a piece of my own writing. It will either be based on a Figment Daily Theme prompt, or some short piece like a poem, or it will be a scene from the story I'm currently working on. I will also make myself report my progress on my latest project to you on Mondays.
Thursdays: Thursday Fun - I'll post a writing tip, a factoid about a popular book/author/writing in general, or a funny joke/meme related to music or literature, or some other fun thing!
Random Saturdays: Saturday Review - I've had my Kindle eReader for about 2 years, and I don't know about the rest of you eReading people out there, but it is HARD to find eBooks under $5 that are any good! So as I sift through the unbelievable amount of digital trash, I will post short reviews of the gems I find which are under $5 or free. And if I find a really great book that isn't popularly known, I will post a review of it on a Saturday Review, even if it was in print or over $5.
The days in between I will post whatever else I feel like! I'm hoping that if I have a schedule to stick to, it will keep me from totally abandoning this blog like I have a few times before...
On a different topic, I've decided to revisit my goal to write a novel in 9 weeks. (I think I made a post about this last year.) I still have Bill Dodd's book and I'm going to be following his plan. I've never disciplined myself to finish a long work, and I figure, what better time to start again than right now?
I'll be back on Thursday with your first installment of Thursday Fun!
By the way, I've added an Inspirational Music section to my resources page. Go check it out and let me know what music inspires you to write!
Remember to smile! :)
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